The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed American’s way of life, economy, and social structure. In order for us to return to a sense of normalcy, we need confidence that 1) it is safe for us to return to work or to the public square, and 2) we will not put others at risk as carriers of the virus.
OnPacePlus in partnership with Mathematica, have developed CoviSecure, a screening protocol based on the latest guidelines from the CDC. We can assess if an individual exhibits the symptoms and provide the individual with recommended next steps such as testing, isolation, hospitalization, etc.
Monitoring employees with CoviSecure contributes to the safety of the workplace and is a key part of the solution. Monitoring patients contributes to the safety of the practice/facility, improves full utilization of the facility, and is a billable event. The OnPacePlus system combines the best remote digital monitoring process available plus the hard data needed to manage the practice effectively.
CoviSecure is delivered as a series of quick and easy interviews on a mobile phone, tablet, or computer browser. The interviews can be completed in less than a minute, providing real-time status information to individuals and the organization. The data can be leveraged to navigate a safe return or to manage overall risk factors requiring further action.
CoviSecure provides tracking of:
- Exposure
- Symptoms
- Vaccine status
- Quarantine status and
- Contact tracing
for any organization needing help managing risk for their workforce, students or other population.
The interviews were developed by medical experts, including infectious disease specialists, who are in constant contact with current CDC guidelines and their frequent updates. All information gathered meets stringent security requirements and complies with HIPAA guidelines. No employee information aside from the employee’s availability for work is shared with the employer. Patient-specific information is available to the provider. Implementation can begin quickly and easily.
Click on a link below for our one page brochure for CoviSecure for: